I wish for you all a very Happy New Year. May God bless you all!
08 I have some words for you don't let the screen door hit your backside on the way out. You broke my heart. I had such high hopes for you. 09 it is up to you now.
I finished the fingerless gloves in good old Red Heart for my DD. I took 2 rows off and used a f hook. She said they fit like they were made for her hehhe. She wore them this morning to work. Her exact words were good job mom.
The link to the glove pattern is in an old Dec.08 post. Yes, my dears I am that lazy. Nan is here with me and we have already made sugar cookie and ate so many we are not telling.
Its not just vain words I do wish each person that stops by a wonderful New Year. HUGS dear ones.
1 Thessalonians 4:11
And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business,and to work with your own hands...1 Thessalonians 4:11
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Blast from the past Monday or Tuesday?
This year I am going to have a blast from the past day. I think it will be blast from the past Monday. I will feature an old project with the book or mag. that the pattern came from ...if I can remember... Please let me know if you have a blast from the past.
Heres my first blast. This is a sweater from McCall's Fall 1980. I made 2 one in pink and one in yellow. The sweaters were made from Red Heart Super Sport. This was a brand new yarn in the 80's. My Ben Franklin had a nice selection. Back in the 80's Ben Frankin was thee store. K-Mart sold yarn. but I only got to go to K-Mart twice a year. No yarn store within 200 miles seriously. I can remember not breathing for awhile when my McCall's came. A year of McCalls was always my birthday present. I read it from cover to cover even the adds. I cannot tell you the things I made from McCalls patterns. I can't remember, but I may have cried when they stopped publishing.
The pattern was easy and looked great back then. I wore a black skirt/pants with it and I had black and yellow earings. I remember making the arms longer. 3 people have worn this sweater. So it has had some serious wear, and it still looks good. Say what you will about Red Heart.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Not enough yarn... I knew better
Well here is a pic of my one fingerless glove. I knew in my heart that there would not be enough. It was Christmas Eve and what can I say. Santa did not bring me a sk of Simply Soft in black with the correct dye lot either. NOT a word about me being a naughty girl this year. My girls loved it (of course they did) I now have 3 pair to make. I need to take 4 rows off my DD's and maybe 2 off the others. I don't wear fingerless gloves, and I couldn't pull off a Michael Jackson, but it fits me just fine. ....Just Beat it... Just Beat it.
The pattern is easy fast and the V stitch gives it a lot of interest. I like this pattern. I used Simply soft and a G hook.
This is the very thing that gets me in trouble at the store. I remember running out of yarn on Christmas Eve. Never would I have imagined that in my vast stash not one SK of black Simply Soft.
I wish for you joy this week in all you do.
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Never Ending Scarf
Well DD or DBG wanted a black scarf that was soft and really really long and narrow. but somehow lacy. The scarf I used Simply soft and a N hook. It is way tooooo long. She wants to wrap it around her neck then I think tie it or something. I am not sure when scarves started to be just something I wore to keep me warm, and cute was no longer a consideration. Deep sigh oh to be young and not care if your scarf is functional or not. :)
It is really cold here and there may be snow in the morning. I have children on the road... its a worry...
I wish you a warm and toasty night with good food and time for knitting. Wish it back my dears if you wish.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Our Basket of Goodies
Well Nan and I did have a basket full of things next to the door for the grab it gift. My mom really enjoyed doing her coasters for the basket. She made me a centerpiece for my table. The basket was really for my mom so she could feel like she was adding to Christmas here. She does not realize just seeing her smiling face would add to our Christmas. I discovered the towels went first(mental note). I made the tea towels you hang up in the kitchen the night before for a filler.
DBG's hat and scarf was a hit with everyone. I am making her another scarf when I am done will post pics and links. It is soooo simple and fast. She likes to wind them around her neck and wants them long.
Well I have many projects on the burner and Christmas things to do. My far away children will be here the 23. I wish you joy this week the kind that just makes you want to jump up and down. Wish me back Hugs to my dears.
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Professional Hat with my twist
The hat and scarf pattern is at Crochet me hat I used Red Heart Holiday deep red with shiny gold threads. The leaves are knitted the berries are 3 jingle bells. The hat is very altered. Do not count my rows in the pic. The hat and scarf is for my daughter (when she was little she called herself dollbabygill) she could not say her Rs.
DBG has her first big girl job. She graduated from grad school this year. So the pattern the Proffessional was a nice touch. It does have a nice faint jingle to it. I think it is lovely and I am very pleased.
I wish for you a cozy weekend with your knitting and such with people you love.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Best Ever Rice Krispie Treats
I ordered the molds from the side of the Rice Krispie box back in the 80s, but I found some Minnie and Mickey molds on my own someplace????. You could use about any mold. Putting them in a buttered pan and cutting them in squares would work. That's what I will do when my grand kids no longer care about such things. Had a thought you know those cheap plastic sand toys that the kids mold sand in. Same thing. Will now be on the look out in the summer.
Chewy Rice Krispie Treats (Best ever)
1/4 cup of margarine or butter
10 oz of marshmallows ( 40 large or 4 cups of the miniature marshmallow)
4 cups of Crisy rice cereal
1 teaspoon of vanilla
Melt the margine or butter on a large saucepan over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until they are completely melted, Add vanilla and stir. Remove from heat.
Add the crispy cereal stirring until all the cereal is coated with the marshmallow mixture.
If you have molds: Using a buttered spatula or spoon, press mixture gently into the buttered mold. Unmold onto a buttered cookie sheet . Continue to mold until mixture is used up.
No molds a buttered pan will work. Press the mixture evenly in the buttered pan and cut into squares.
Warning you kind of need to act fast don't dilly around. Also be careful they are very warm at first.
I would show you a picture of mine,but honestly 2 batches and I never got the camera out in time. Gone, but not forgotten.
I have started a hoodie like the frog hoodie I made in a size 12mo this is 18mo. It is a pretty blue. I must monkey around with it. Two thoughts, app. fish in orange, green ,yellow, with silver bubbles coming up and trimmed in the orange, green and yellow. Second thought, trimmed in black and yellow maybe white, with bright colored cars app. on with big yellow button headlight .I have the perfect car app. remember I used it on a hat to match a sweater for Gusty.
Well I hope to have the back done on the hoodie tonight. I know live in hopes die in despire.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Where in the world is my hoop!
Its just all things kitchen here lately. You know after looking at my project you want to find your hoops now don't you?. I have meant to get on with my tea towels for awhile now and I see another shiny object and wander off. Now I can't find my hoops and I have trust me more than one set. I am sure my hoops are stored neatly away someplace. You may see fluffy bits of hair on your screen it is me pulling my hair out wondering where I put them. Room redo enough said.
I meant to take a pic of the darling Nan-Nan in her new hat and scarf. I forgot. I have made another scrubbie, knit cloth, another solid scrubbie and a cd coaster. It is an ugly blue variegated that when I bought it was lovely. I was going to put red cherries on an entire kitchen set for my kitchen. I have ran out of cotton yarn and started using my project yarn. The cherries would have helped it, but no one else covets cherries the way I do. I needed one more set at least in the basket. So I may hear noooo your taking the ugly blue one nooooo your taking the ugly blue one. Girls, girls your just going to wash dishes with them ;)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Bigger basket!
Nan and I are just burning up cotton yarn like crazy. We needed a bigger basket. I will be done with another dishcloth this afternoon. Now the problem is we are left with ugly yarn. Nan has a better stash than I do, but really can you raid your blind mother's stash? I may make some dish towels if I can work it in. Nan has mostly made coasters,but she is now making a green and white set. I will be the grabber.
Monday is Ya's choir program. Thursday Nan and I will put the coasters together with ribbons and have a girls day together. Dear God let me have another year of all things Nan- Nan at Christmas.
May your week be filled with lovely things. You can wish it back if you want to.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Crocheted socks hmmmmm!
To be honest I was always thinking crocheted socks were well ..not possible... I mean you could make them,BUT would you really wear them. Yes, I made a pair I wear them. The problem with me crocheted or knit I just make one then way 18 mos. or so when the guilt is weighting heavy to finish the other sock. My crocheted socks do not hurt my feet they are very warm. I prefer knitted socks, but I had to see it could be done.
I used a purchased sock pattern from the CCOA. I also used really good German sock yarn my friend had given me a few years ago. My dear dear friend that I intended to make socks for and never did. She wants more than one...deep sigh.. If she ever breaks her foot and has a cast I sooo got her covered.
I waited and waited for my DD to show up for a skinny leg/foot pic. I was wearing my socks today (its cold here) and so fat legs, Birks, and all I give you my crocheted socks with the cuffs down.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oh yes I remember Santa :) 24 more days

I remember when this picture was taken. I was to see Santa. It was a very big deal to go into town. It was cold notice the wool headscarf. The shoes were brown with plaid laces. Under the coat I had my best dress on (pic of this on my other site)the dress was made by my gr grandmother from Arkanas. Under the coat on my shoulder was a blue plastic purse with a white dog on the flap. A girl aways carried her purse on such an outing. Santa had very blue eyes, and kept telling me I was so sweet. I told him I wanted a doll. I got a chair my dad made me that year my grandson sat in it the last time he was here. Jackie went up with me his faith was wavering. He told me he was the real Santas cause he had on real leather boots not fake ones. We didn't have much, but my dears we were rich indeed.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The Wood Elves and the Master
Serious side of the hill work being done. I almost have the scarf finished. Thats about it except for plans in me noggin.
Rice Krispies will soon be forced into tree, star, and teddy bear molds. There may be pics hmmm depending on how they turn out and if they are gobbled up :). Happy Thanksgiving weekend. Hope your needles are smokin.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
New Hat and Scarf in the Works
The colors in the hat are much more muted and darker. The yarn is lovely in person and not so brassy as in the pic. The hat is just a rolled brim. Cast on 80 on 7 cirs work sk for about 7in or so from the brim of the hat then start dec. I just used the simple dec. knit 9 dec, knit next row, knit 8 dec, knit next row, at some point you must transfer to dbl points you get the picture. The hat is a sm adult or a fitted med adult. That is the size my DD and mom takes. There are many lovely roll brim hat patterns. I was just lazy.
Rolled brim hat patterns made me think of Janelle Schlossman. She had many lovely patterns on her site. Since AOl took down Hometown the site is gone. Does anyone know if she has a site now? I know she was ill. She was so generous with her patterns.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We Need A Bigger Basket
Our Christmas basket is getting to full. Nan is making coasters and I am making the old CD coasters and scrubbies. We keep it simple these days. It has been a fun thing to share with my mom.
I love looking around this site The little mocs are adorable. Now I am thinking booties. I get worked up so easy when I see lovely projects.
My DD like her birthday set. I have started another hat in the I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby. I really do love that yarn. Its working up in a lovely stripe. I wish I could knit faster.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Birthday Hat, Mittens and Scarf
My DD birthday is Tues. I almost always make her a hat for her birthday. MY DD loves trying things on so she slipped on the Panda Paws (I thought they would go to my grandson that is 9) they fit her to a T. She has small hands for someone that plays classical piano. She was playing at the University when she was 12. The hours we spent driving, and I spent sitting. I don't regret a min. She stopped playing in grad school, and now I think she is picking it back up again.
While she was home she peeked into all my baskets (noisy little thing). She found the buttons I bought when our Wal-Mart lost the fabric dept and everything went on sale. She loved the buttons and I thought of one of my all time favorite hats
She has a coat this will all match so like the guys on the A-team would say I just love it when a plan comes together. The pic really does not do the whole thing justice.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Next Project Crocheted Hudson Bay Jacket

Look what I found. This will be my next project. I may have to wait till after Christmas, but it is a must do. I am only young at heart my dears. I can remember boys wearing the Hudson Bay jackets and you would see girls wearing their boyfriends Hudson Bays. It was very cool. By the time I got in High School most of the dad's had inherited the boys jackets even some moms (they were warm). So I never really got my shot at owning one or ;) sharing one. You can still see one in old movies or an old mag. once in awhile. My grandson will get his Hudson Bay before Spring I hope. To find the colors might be a problem, but I can order.
I bought the pattern sometime ago. I found an old cat. it was discontinued, but since I had the order# they had some laying around I guess. I searched Lion Brand to link to the pattern, but its not on the site. The item # is 40215A. Just in case anyone else remembers the jackets with fondness.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A new hat
Nan bought me a birthday book with my Hobby Lobby coupon in Aug. I think she gave around 6 for the book. I really liked the felted bags, but the baby sweater is what sold me. You see I have never found my perfect knit pattern. It is a quest.
I have a really bad cold ( you may say poor Mimi if you wish for it would be true). Since I am sick I picked up the book and thought I'd have a go at one of the patterns. The hat had no graph. Each row was written out. I think it may confuse a newbie. I know I am use to doing graphs, but I was zooming along and I realized it was wrong. If they had not put a picture of the hat with the pattern it would have been a mess. Then I just blindly followed the pattern. The hat in the pic I am sure had a 1 inch ribbing then 1 to 1 1/2 inches till the pattern is started. The pattern states 2 inches for ribbing then 2 till the pattern. It also starts the dec. right after the pattern is finished . I am sure it needs about a inch till you start the dec. so the next hat I will make the ribbing 1 and 1/2 and 1 inch sk then start the pattern then 1 inch sk till first dec after the pattern. Anyone that knits at all will pick up on this right away. All in all I do like the book for simple knitting even if I had a little goof up with the hat. It could be me and my severe cold meds . You should really put on a mask to read this:) Look out I am going to SNEEZE........
Friday, November 7, 2008
Rudolph hat info
The pattern is from Crochetme and it is not under hats in case the link fails it is under most e-mailed pages on kind of the sidebar. I would have forgot where it came from, but the printer I used sets the address at the bottom of my page. Hat
I used Red Heart and I sk made 3 of the main color. I used a reverse sc crochet around the bottom and the nose is a crochet tri. I also made a round red noise I almost used. For the girls hat I will make eyelashes and a heart noise. The horns I made one 9 rnds then 7 then 5. I don't think that was mentioned in the pattern, but clearly they were different sizes. Maybe I have an old pattern. Hope this helps. Everyone that has seen the one hat that is done is wild about it. I am sure I will have to scale it up.
I used Red Heart and I sk made 3 of the main color. I used a reverse sc crochet around the bottom and the nose is a crochet tri. I also made a round red noise I almost used. For the girls hat I will make eyelashes and a heart noise. The horns I made one 9 rnds then 7 then 5. I don't think that was mentioned in the pattern, but clearly they were different sizes. Maybe I have an old pattern. Hope this helps. Everyone that has seen the one hat that is done is wild about it. I am sure I will have to scale it up.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Rudolph Hat for Christmas!!
Is offical I'm crazy. I am trying to make 3 of the Rudolph hats by Sat. One down ladies. Oh and by the way don't think I will be making duplicates anytime soon of anything.
If I stay up late the next 2 nights I may make it. All the links and my yarn usage will have to come later I am in a major time crunch. My kids will all be here Sat. and Bri Z. will be taking the hats home with her so I won't have to mail them. The hats are for Gus T. and his 2 cousins. Maybe I will have pics of them in their hats:). Stay turn for blinding cuteness.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Icky knitting ahead.
Its not a baby sweater, but its not a knitted fish so maybe I can move on. The hat will be a doll hat for one of Ya's bald headed dolls. Icky knitting was involved. I guess if I stay away from knitting or crocheting a variety of items I forget how . I need to be tested I swear. I should knock off a really difficult project to get my mojo working. Whats not so funny is all projects are turning into really difficult projects.
Nan and I have started the basket of kitchen things to be left by the door at Christmas for a grab it gift to all who stop by. If mom makes her potholders I will be the grabber.
Well my dears I hope your knitting is lovely and you are excited about your next project. You may wish that right back at me if you want to :)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Red Fish, Blue Fish...Yellow Fish...
There should be a school of fish by now. I just cannot seem to knit these little buggers any faster. Its getting to me. I need to start another project,but Gus T. needs his fish blanket done before he grows up and has another theme in his room.
Heres the skinny. I could not find the site I printed my pattern from. (remember computer crash) This site is close fish
The book BABIES AND TODDLERS (a knitters dozen) also has a pattern that is similar and a little more complicated. I love the look and the pattern my dears I am just dragging my feet on this because it is not mittens, hats, baby sweaters. I feel a baby sweater coming on got to go:)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mindless Projects Are A Very Good Thing!
I just love mindless projects. I use to keep a project near my computer, those days are gone yesiree I am smokin. I love the new connection the sat. gives me. Seriously I am in love .
The knit cloths are the simple Bernat cloth that I think they may have dropped for I could not find it to link. The crocheted cloths are simple circles, and squares. I used Sugar and Cream and a G hook.
I am back doing fish. I must be the world's slowest fish knitter. I now have the attention span of a knat. I am going to start another project. Oh how I love lookin for new projects especially at high speed :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Puppy Love
I am trying to download a picture. I think this phone wiring deal will not let me, but I must try.
The picture is not of a project it is a pic I snapped of Cooper Lou. I was moping the floor and put his lamb pillow up on the seat with his blanket from his doggie bed (he is cold natured). He followed the pillow up on the seat naughty naughty old puppy. I was impressed with his hips he made it. Do you think he was scolded?
I will get on a list soon for faster connection. I may not sleep for awhile I just cannot wait. Hugs
Dial up would not let me.heheheheh. I got Sat. so this was my test pic. Yea for me. I am so happy
Friday, October 17, 2008
So long my Precious :)
This is just my projects blog BUT..... since I have been gone so long ...heres the story. My computer died. It was sad. Wp had to pry my hands from the cold keyboard. I have a brand spanking new computer now and I will at some point love this new one and the keyboard. I already love the bigger screen, but the keyboard grrrr. I still have to figure this all out.
My son helped me set everything up. That is why we call him Sweet Michael. He gave me the bad news my phone lines are very old and that is why even my new computer will time out. Looks like poor me will get Sat. internet before long. I can not wait. Seriously a 6 year old at Christmas could not be more excited. I will have to shop around, but it looks like I will only be paying 10 dollars more. (Slaps forehead).I can drop the other phone line and dial up and then with just the new hook up and two providers offer that free at times. As my grandson says, "holey moley cow".
I have been painting and fixing up a bedroom and our living room a tad so I don't have tons of things to blog about, but a few things have slid off the needles.
When everything is all set up I may not sleep for awhile playing catch up with everyones projects and blog reading. (((((Happy Dance)))))
My son helped me set everything up. That is why we call him Sweet Michael. He gave me the bad news my phone lines are very old and that is why even my new computer will time out. Looks like poor me will get Sat. internet before long. I can not wait. Seriously a 6 year old at Christmas could not be more excited. I will have to shop around, but it looks like I will only be paying 10 dollars more. (Slaps forehead).I can drop the other phone line and dial up and then with just the new hook up and two providers offer that free at times. As my grandson says, "holey moley cow".
I have been painting and fixing up a bedroom and our living room a tad so I don't have tons of things to blog about, but a few things have slid off the needles.
When everything is all set up I may not sleep for awhile playing catch up with everyones projects and blog reading. (((((Happy Dance)))))
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Love them Panda Paws
I was visiting the
blogknitting nonni. This lady inspires me. I am sure I am older than she is, but I want to grow up and knit and crochet like she does. Deep sigh I just love to look at her pile of mittens. My donation box is not that big. I will do better. Well any way she had a link to Panda mans site for some mittens. This guy is amazing. You know the BSJ I have made and I am always planning another and it never happens. Panda man has a pattern for the SK version. It is soooooo cute. He is very generous and shares his patterns. Its like this please God to not let me die till I get one of these made.
Ok I am back on track Panda Paws thats the link to the mittens I made. I love this pattern. The yarn is from Hobby Lobby. The name of the yarn is : I love this yarn. It self stripes with a little manipulation. The small ball next to the sk is all took off to contol the stripes. I think they look really good. I will keep this pattern in my fav. folder. I love how he is a bump counter :) a boy after my own knitting heart. If you knit them you will understand. I deem this my perfect garter mitten pattern.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Are You Jealous?
I recieved the book, KNITTING AMERICA by Susan M. Strawn for Mothers Day. I love this book. I have the HISTORY OF KNITTING, and NO IDLE HANDS, and thought this book would be a nice addition. I do believe my dears, it is my favorite. I am reading just a few pages at a time to make it last. The pictures are just a joy to gaze upon.I know this is very mimi mittens like and I promised not to cross over. Forgive me. I have reached a dry spell projects wise. I just have no desire to knit little fish or anything else. A very large in house project is looming so that could be a factor.
Look at my pink roses I have several more buds coming on. My red rose bush pictures did not turn out as well. S. Michael gave me my red rose bush many Mothers Days ago. It is my favorite.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The Best Of Times The Worst Of Times.....
As some of you know our darling Bri Z. lost her mother May 3rd from complications from her diabetes. We were the same age. I wish I had known her better for the little time I was with her she seemed like a really wonderful person. She was beloved by all and must have been a fantastic mother to have such precious girls. Keep them all in you heart and thoughts this coming Mother's Day especially.
The yellow granny is another of Nan's creations. Isn't it pretty. She is working on a red white and blue one now. How blessed we are to still have my mom.
The sweater is from the book KIDS KIDS KIDS. I used mainstay yarn. the ribbon (red with white dots) is from Hobby Lobby. The buttons are from Wal- mart about 2 years ago. The buttons are black Scotties with red sweaters with white dots. The tam is from J Schlossma's site under Baby Beret. I added the bow on the side. If you want the link leave me a note. I am in a hurry and it seems my linking takes forever.
I am slowly working on the fish blanket for Gus T. I had cast on for the BSJ. I goofed up and now I must cast on again. I finished the preemie set, but failed to take pictures before I sent it off. Its been a little crazy around here. I have a baby set to make before Aug. so I am looking at patterns.
I sent off for some books for myself for Mother's Day. Wp encourages that kind of thing so it works for us. I get what I want and he can get the credit for the lovely thoughtful just what I wanted gift. He was very generous this year.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Still Here
Mom has all the squares done for a yellow and white granny. I need to sew 2 rows and then put a border on and I will post pics. I have the preemie booties, hat and sweater done except for sewing the buttons on the sweater. The blanket is half done it will be white and so very soft. I want to thank everyone that helped me with the sizes. I can't believe how small the set is. I keep thinking that I made everything to small. I have measured the set several times and checked the charts. I will post pictures when I am done.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Nan's Baby Blanket
My mom finished her blocks for the baby blanket. I sewed them together and then finished the edge with a small shell. This is really helping her. She has attempted many different hobbies since she has lost more of her sight. At one time she had 10% vision. She had memorized the granny square years ago. She is now working on a yellow and white blanket. It has been such a blessing it gives us something to talk about and she feels better about the use of her time:). (((THANK YOU GOD))). She will be 81 and such a sweetheart.
My grandson had his hoodie on this weekend. It is really cute. I plan on making another one in size 18 mos. The football sweater was a real hit. Mimi scored.
I plan on casting on the BSJ tonight. I also have been making kitchen sets. Mindless knitting is a very good thing.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Quick Fix!!!!
You know the times, and yes I know you do, when you need a happy quick feel good project. Gus T's football sweater is just that. So fast so easy so much fun. I know it is not serious sweater, but it was so much fun and I think it is adorable.
Bernat Softee Chunky 1 sk main a small amount for trim. Size J hook. This is once again very adapted from the crocheted sweater from bundles of love. org. I think I use the first 2 rows. I increase and decrease places depending on the yarn. Try winging it you will be surprised. Yarn from Wal- Mart. buttons (adorable footballs) Hancocks, letters are from Hancocks just a quarter on sale. If I worked on it steady I could finish this up in a day. I took 2 days. The yarn is very soft.
I am still on the fish, but I am casting on a BSJ soon. I should wait. I ready do not have yarn that I want to use on the jacket, but I promised to use from my stash this year.
I broke down and bought 3 mags. I may blog about that later. My private blog is suffering. I have so many things to write about. The kids Easter outfits, and a girls day out. This week I am going to get caught up on my story telling. Hugs girls.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
2 Ice Storms And Snow Is Coming :0
It seems I am not my grandmas equal. We were without power for over a week. So I cooked on the wood stove and did all the things you do without power, and this left me little time for handwork. My eyes are not what they use to be. I grew up with oil lamps and quilted with very dim lights of a night with grandma. I had to give up anything that needed close attention because I just could not see the stitches. I can make dish cloths with my eyes closed so I added to my pile.
We are to get more snow Thur. night. If the power stays on I am going to start something new. I have hit a slump here lately. The fish are coming along very slow. I need to get Ya's quilt out. It seems I have tooooo many patterns to choose from. I am really serious about this. I think I use to be more creative when I had less options.
I hope I will be posting pics of lovely things made during the big weekend snow.
Hugs to all that stopped by.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Froggie Hoodie For My Baby Boy!!!!
The pattern for the hoodie is from the Bernat site. I used Bernat Softee. I used just one sk and a tiny bit of another. The frog buttons are rubber from Wal-Mart. The app. is a fridgie of sorts. I added the bug and tongue. If any one wants links let me know and I will look it all up. I am in a time crunch tonight.
I am sewing a granny square baby blanket together for mom. It is very pretty I will post pics here when we are done. The story of the blanket and then the ice storm will be on my private blog Mimi Mittens. If I missed any dear heart that wants the address let me know or anyone that wants to keep up on the Mimi Mittens saga.
This just being a projects blog is keeping me on track.
The fish are coming along. Slowly!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I'm done with the old bag!!!!!
Its done YEA for me!!!!!!!. The bag was from the Creative Knitting mag. I am looking for the issue date. The pattern was solid. I just drug my feet on this one. I did do the handles different. I used Bernat Wool and lined the bag with a floral print. No bells and whistles on the lining. You see I love adding pockets...places to hide things. (I am the velcro queen) In the past I may have went overboard. It went like this...no pockets mom, no little key loops no hidden zippers... nothing, nada ,zippo....just a lining. So note it just has a lining.
I have a charity box going. It is filled with girl stuff. Since I have a boy it was my girl outlet. Fish update I have 13 done 50 more.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Pictures to come!!
I am working on my stuff. I have a fear of posting pictures of any unfinished objects. So no pics of my stack of fish and my baby blanket. You see everytime I post a picture of an unfinished item it gets frogged or looses its charm,starts growing or shrinking. You get the picture.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Go Team!!!
The baby is due in March. The baby star blanket is Beth's Little star. The sweater is the crocheted sweater pattern from bundles of love.org. The sweater pattern is so adapted with increases under the arms and decreases around the neck not to mention the button band so realize this if you check it out. I added the letter from Hancocks they were on sale for just .25. The hat is once again a pattern I saw in an old Annies cat. I winged it. The "T " is the first letter of the couples last name. So this is the outfit for the new manager for team "T". Now the high tops were from the Annies book. I did go down a needle size to make it for a newborn. All this will go into the wash with snuggles fabric softner. It was made with Red Heart. I found a really good sale. I have yet to put the buttons on the set. The cost under $3.00 to make. I have also made a bonnet and fake maryjanes to go into the baby bag.
I am making the fish blanket. Did you know they even have a yahoo group just for this fishy afghan. I have 2 fish done. It will be an on going project with scraps.
I have the coughing thing so I am hoping it will just put me in a chair knitting fish and not in bed all medicated up with cough meds 24/7 like it usually does.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
My Favorite 07 project!!!!
I am not sure which translation, but in Psalms 139:13 it says I was knit together in my mothers womb. Sooooo this was my fav. hand knit (by God no less). I had a part in knitting a very similar project 33 years ago and by the way its holding up very nicely. Although it pilled a little at 16. ((wink)).
So I have fudged my way into putting a picture of the boy on my projects page. Heres the info: Gus T. is sitting in his gr grandpa's highchair (80) the same highchair I sat in as well as all my children. Heres the wonder: gr grandpa and my son and grandson all share the same given name. 6 generation in all ( I am checking maybe 7). If I had been a boy it would have been my name as well. This child is so sweet and good natured not to mention how beautiful he is . Ok, I am going to stop now.
I have started a baby girl sweater for a couple due in March. I am enjoying the pink, but all I can think about is boy things now ...... wonder why.