I have no idea where the vest pattern came from, but it seems like it was a workbasket. I have two sons so there are two vests. The green was Sweet Michael's and a burnt orange was Bubies (yes I have both). My boys grew up with Popaw, a cowboy himself, and lover of all things cowboy. WP. likes his Westerns as well so they did not have a chance. They had cap guns, fake black powder rifles, holsters, cowboy boots and hats. I have one picture of Bubie right out of the tub, he had put his vest boots and hat back on no pants. I took a picture of him walking down the hall toooo cute for words, but nothing one can share.
The vest I am sure is Red Heart and the app. I just looked at a gun and crocheted a gun and holster. They wore the vests even in summer for years. Now my grand kids have them in the dress up box and wear them, but no boots and the hats they have are the cheap kind from Wal-Mart. Its hard to find good cowboy stuff anymore.
The Tom Mix puzzle (we have 2) and the pistol and holster and spurs are Popaws not shown is the Big Little Books that mirror the puzzles. We are a family of keepers. I have a place for all my family things all neatly packed away. My kids will have a time of it someday. Well at least there is enough for everyone :)
Tonight I hope to finish the cream wristerz, and then on to Gus T's hoodie. We are expecting a huge ice storm like the one we had last year (power was off 7 days). Last year it was hard to even get to the wood pile. They are saying expect outages. So I may not post for a spell. Knitting washcloths by an old lamp or playing cards with Wp. (I think he cheats). Be safe and happy my dears....wish it back if you will.