My DD birthday is Tues. I almost always make her a hat for her birthday. MY DD loves trying things on so she slipped on the Panda Paws (I thought they would go to my grandson that is 9) they fit her to a T. She has small hands for someone that plays classical piano. She was playing at the University when she was 12. The hours we spent driving, and I spent sitting. I don't regret a min. She stopped playing in grad school, and now I think she is picking it back up again.
While she was home she peeked into all my baskets (noisy little thing). She found the buttons I bought when our Wal-Mart lost the fabric dept and everything went on sale. She loved the buttons and I thought of one of my all time favorite
hats She has a coat this will all match so like the guys on the A-team would say I just love it when a plan comes together. The pic really does not do the whole thing justice.