Its been almost 3 weeks since this back set began. Its been a ruff road, but I see the light. Mike aka weepaw is doing really well. The 13th he may get his stitches out. We are going to Barnes to see Dr.
Reed for the leg. The 17th we start the chemo talks. I think we are back on course. He is walking more and eating really well. Today he gets in the shower. The nurse finally said he could take a shower hip hip that will be so much easier for me to scrubby him up. Soon , I think Sunday will be my last 2am feeding....I mean medicine drop. Yes it is a medicine drop he opens his mouth and I drop it in let him get a drink of water and hes back to sleep ...I then make such he doesn' choke and stagger off to bed. 2am medicine drop don't let the screen door hit you on your way out. All in all we are doing well. The leg is down and is looking good groin wounds are OK. Love all my people, hugs love sent, and may you have joy coming your way.