Nan will be 82 this summer. She is blind( less than 10%) She made me this blanket. Isn't it the most beautiful blanket in the world. Nan made the squares and I sewed the them together and added a border. I treasure each thing she makes me. I can almost feel the love she puts in to it. Its not easy for her. She is not only blind she is loosing her memory. I am so proud of her for her fighting spirit. Precious.
I cannot wait to start on another baby sweater. I am hooked. So many colors floating in my mind. I have my buttons out and that alone gives me tons of ideas. I am excited. I have a felted bag started, but I am going to cheat on all my other projects and plans. I wish for you as much joy as is in my heart today. So on to my chair, a cup of strong tea, a basket of yarn and a baby sweater in the works.
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