1 Thessalonians 4:11

And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business,and to work with your own hands...1 Thessalonians 4:11

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Still in Barnes

We may get to go home in a day or so.  Things are looking up and I am so thankful. We have had such a great day nurse named Tara. She would get me pillows blankets and was so kind.Barnes is a different world in healthcare. Sweetie is looking so much better. We have a hard  road ahead of us,but I know God is able.  We both are so thankful for your prayers. Hugs my dears and love sent.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

In Barnes Hospital

We have had a set back.Chemo cause a blood clot which pressed against his arteries. Sat. night he lost all feeling in his legs.  We went to SE. and was there until Tuesday idiots.We are now at Barnes and he has had surgery to get rid of the clot.He almost lost his right leg. This complicated everything.They were not sure he would make it thru the surgery.Praise God he did......911 prayers requested.  I stand in great need. Hugs my dears.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


 Well WP. had his first Chemo round. He's doing great I unhook the port tomorrow.  It is uncomfortable I am sure, but he is a trooper. He has the best attutide. He is tired, but all in all hes doing very well and I do PRAISE GOD FOR HIS MERCY.  Please remember us in Prayer I value prayer it is no small thing to me. I ask God to bless all that bow their heads for us. Working around the house wheen we are home. When I sit for awhilre I am knitting cancer hats. They just love my hats and begged for more. ((((blush))). Well my dears I am not the one taking the Chemo, but I am wore out...turned into such an old woman.   Love sent  your way.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Free Day

Port is in...chemo starts Tues....get pump Tues afternoon. Hes doing really well with the port. It was much better after I changed the bandage yesterday....had tape clear up his neck....thought he would scream like a womean but he didn't. We are being held up....please keep the prayers going for we stand in need. I had a free day a yummy free day yesterday before it all starts. I am working with my hands to  help with the stress and all the time I have to wait. Making cancer hats....baskets at the center were about empty and no real serious hats for the cold. Made poncho with a cowl....had my doubts....its stunning on. Please remember us for I am wanting

to be woke up from this nightmare. His mom after her fall is doing ok. My DIL is with her father in GA. in ICU. We are those poor people I use to pray for smiles my dear for even it great stress love is sent and prayers requested.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Cancer put your dukes up

 We are entering the ring,,,,the fight ring. Mike gets his port put in this week for the chemo pump. then chemo starts next Tuesday. Then hope and pray his body responds.. if it does radiation then surgery...more chemo and radiation then we get those two small things plucked from his lungs and liver...maybe more chemo?????? Pray for the best......its in HIS HANDS. It all falls to  if his body will respond to the chemo. Hugs hug me back...... need it.