Link to purchase patternCome sit next to Mimi and let me give you some advice:
The crocheting of the jacket could not have been easier. The putting it together is another story. Lots of fussy sewing. To match the stripes when you sew it together you really should use the color of yarn that is the color of stripe you are sewing. Yes, even if it is 4 stitches. It will show on the sleeves and sides if you don't. The sleeves when finished look like they will not work. Don't worry they do.
Read the entire pattern first.
What I will do if I ever make another one.
1. Use country green
2. strand my yarn or use sport to sew it together
3. ** use a larger hook to chain for the sleeves
just the beginning chain.
If you are new to this and stumble on my blog. If you need any help leave me a comment and I will do my best. Things a beginner will stumble over is the rev shaping and the sewing it together. Like anything else in life if you want it bad enough you will succeed. If you crochet allot it is a piece of cake unless you really hate the sewing thing then pretty much you will learn to hate it before its over with.
Wp. ran into the living room to see what was wrong when I sprung from my recliner shouting Done at last done at last thank God Almighty I am Done at last. It was the sewing thing. Hugs and sweet wishes!!!!