I recieved the book, KNITTING AMERICA by Susan M. Strawn for Mothers Day. I love this book. I have the HISTORY OF KNITTING, and NO IDLE HANDS, and thought this book would be a nice addition. I do believe my dears, it is my favorite. I am reading just a few pages at a time to make it last. The pictures are just a joy to gaze upon.I know this is very mimi mittens like and I promised not to cross over. Forgive me. I have reached a dry spell projects wise. I just have no desire to knit little fish or anything else. A very large in house project is looming so that could be a factor.
Look at my pink roses I have several more buds coming on. My red rose bush pictures did not turn out as well. S. Michael gave me my red rose bush many Mothers Days ago. It is my favorite.